With the internet being such a big part of the world, it makes sense that it has become the biggest source for marketing a business and gathering information. Doing proper keyword research and analysis can make a huge difference on your website rankings, click through rate and potentially increase your sales.
First, we will explain what a keyword is. A keyword is a word or even a combination of words, used to identify what you are researching. Example: A mom is wanting to know more about homeschooling her teenager. She can simply go to any search engine and type in keywords like Homeschool or homeschool curriculum and find multiple websites related to this topic. Now if you are a person or business trying to market your product or service you want your website to pop up for those looking for your product or service. You want every opportunity to reach potential customers or even other businesses. Using the right keywords when optimizing your website could make the difference in whether you gain or lose a customer.